Considering I spent a week on the road in northern Chile and southern Peru (plus the following easter weekend/semana santa in San Pedro de Atacama), it seems appropriate to include one more travel post.
Let's spend some time in Peru...
Cuzco schoolyard: i spy blue

As previously mentioned (no hay palabras post), I spent a lot of time cruising through southern Peru in various tour buses. While this means of "new country orientation" falls way short of the prefered

backpacking/camping/hitch hiking option, it proved to be an excellent alternative on all levels...practicality, time-efficiency, cost, and cultural exposure. Plus, I enjoyed a healthy portion of the latter means of tranport the ensuing weekend in the desert.
So how about that Peruvian culture?
I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Peruvian people offer the most diverse and particularly distinct
culture I've encountered in my short traveling career. Actually, the image of the buses above offers a pretty good projection of the culture. I'll settle with colorful and resolute. A motley sample of alpaca sweaters, scarves and hats, new foods and lots of coca leaf products greeted us at the border city of Arica (still Chilean soil)--where we met our first speed bump and "veered off" our charted course. No wait, we were forced off by the Peruvian border officials. *NOTE: Mexicans need a visa to enter Peru. Quite inconvenient for myself and my two travel companions...particularly Galia who is in fact Mexicana. "Denied...but not defeated."Unfortunately it was Sunday, which meant the consulate was closed. Therefore, we explored the city and found a small seaside mountain (el morro) to climb with a flat bald peak that offered a museum and war memorial of the historical battle of Arica between Chile and Peru, Cristo del Paz (a

The 10 hour haul to Cuzco was almost as beautiful as the city itself. Puno seems to be the dividing line between the harsh desertscape and lush mountain scenery. We climbed for hours, through green fields with grazing sheep and bushy alpaca, taking in the enormous snow-capped peaks, reflected in still waters and dwarfing the foot-hill pueblos like stubble...hundreds of miles away from any familiar civilization. But the Peruvians live out there.
We passes random women swinging hoes, in tandem with their thick swaying braids, dressed in long blue dresses
and bowler hats. Others hunched over, trekking with enormous striped bundles of food and goods strapped to their back while children herded llamas. All of this took place miles from any home or in the planes
and valleys. I wondered if many of them had ever seen the city before and kept coming back to images of
Abraham, Ruth and prophets. These folks were truly indigenous, and it seemed to me the closest thing I've encountered to the "Old Testement". At any rate, this "inside the cover of National Geographic" exposure stirred my spirit and weighed heavy within me. The simple life, as simple and basic as it gets--so peculiar and novel. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be? I mean honestly, in my mind the lives of folks like Abraham and Moses appear a lot more epic and exciting than mine. Okay, I'll spare you. But the experience left me with a pool of ambiguously spiritual and philisophical questions to ponder and talk
over with God until I arrived in Cuzco. *The only resolution I reached was that next time I won't just be "passing through" (YWAM??? wanna come with me?)

While Cuzco bears a heavy touristic weight, I must say it's done very tastefully (if tourism can taste good). We thoroughly enjoyed our 24 hour stay there. Nearly all of the streets and a great number of the buildings in this very large city are stone, and this is not the smooth/well leveled cobblestone or brick you've met in Charleston or under your feet on N Main St. in downtown Aville. This aspect alone adds a particular enchantment to the city. El centro (or main plaza), oriented around the enormous catholic cathedral of course, was filled with overaggressive vendors, taxis, foot traffic, and an occasional alpaca at all times. Whether you're a shopper or not (I'm not), you can't help but enjoy spending at least a few hours jumping from tienda to street kiosk to random street people carrying a trunk load of blankets, sweaters or scarves, bartering for that perfect deal on whatever distinctly Peruvian article that fancys your liking. And we're talking dirt cheap prices! My bartering pride is wrapped up in an alpaca wool winter hat that I got down to 5 soles (that's $1.66 US). We're talking a quality hat too. You know the ones, black with white alpacas encircling it, with the styling ear flaps and tassely strings...same style as columbia and north face like to

sell for $30 a pop. It kind of matches my long, wool, alpaca print socks that I bought for 8 soles (about $2.50 US).
Moving right along...we found a solid hostal (yay baño privado...but no hot water), Hospedaje Samani, for 15 soles a person (little less than $5 US). After finally dropping our heavy packs and cleaning up a bit, we headed back out for the evening and sat down to our first formal Peruvian meal, bartered down from 25 to 15 soles--not half bad for a four course meal including a glass of Peru's famous pisco sour and dessert. Turns out alpaca is quite tasty!
After exploring the city for half of the following day, we caught a $3 (US) taxi out of Cuzco and snaked up, down, and around more breathtaking mountains, through prairies and planes and finally into a deep valley where we met our last village between us and Machu Picchu's Aguas Calientes.

The name of this town is Ollantaytambo (it took me three days of asking taxi and bus drivers how to get there/how much it costs before I could say it without studdering). Umm, because I'm running out of ways to

describe these enchantingly beautiful and mystic towns, I'm just gonna say it was great...and I wish we could have spent more than one night there. This town gave us a little teaser before Machu Picchu, as it has its own ruins nestled in the cliffs, which we ascended just in time to catch my first sunset atop Andean peaks. In the evening we found a small market to buy food for the rest of our trip, and then another hostel, which turned out to be the best overnight deal of the trip, yes obviously after a little bartering (10 soles per person/ about $3 US).

We had the lights out by midnight and the 3:30am cell phone alarm came all too soon to catch a 5am train about a mile down the road. The funny thing is that I planned on sleeping an extra two hours on the train ride, not really taking into account that it's the final two hours of

travel before arriving at the foot of Machu Pichu. More mountains, cliffs, clouds, vegetation and now waterfalls falling into the Urubamba River, a partially navigable (class 5 rapids) waterhead of the Amazon river which our train ran alongside for the entirety of the trip. I sipped on matte de coca (tea made from coco leaves) as
a substitute for the two hours of sleep and marveled at the verdant Andean scenery through train windows, trying to spot Mogley or Jaguar Paw in the foliage.
In Aguas Calientes we opted out of the $7 bus to arrive at the entrance of Machu Picchu and chose the stairs...45 minutes, staight up, and up...and up. VVV For Machu Picchu, you can check the post below VVV
After a LONG (8-10 miles on foot/scrambling--4 of them extremely steep), life changing day, we found a hostal in Aguas Calientes (another $5 US) and slept, quite soundly. And the next morning we began the return trip *reverse the transportation routes above and drop the hostals.
I love you all and wish that some of you could have shared this trip with me. Give me a holler when you can afford it.
You did an amazing job of sharing the culture with us via your words and pics. I would love to be there with you. Love you. Mom
You've got some fine looking photographs here, Timoteo! Those clouds are never ending & make my heart and camera miss Suramérica skies. I particularly enjoy the one of the lady & the llama (doesn't that sound like an indie band name?). And YWAM? I'm pretty sure that includes me, and a resounding, hoot 'n hollering: Yes, please.
Miss you! Glad you're digging your adventures so much.
I must say, I really enjoyed those photographs and stories. And I am with you on the "getting stuck in details while journaling", but I think sometimes the details are the most interesting parts. Looking at your blog has made me itch to start moving around again. But then, it doesn't take much to set me off.
Thanks for sharing your stories with all of us!!
Abby Baltensperger
Tim this looks and sounds incredible! Glad to hear you had an amazing semana santa as well! Glad to see all is well in your neck of the woods... :)
increible! tengo celos . . . jaja
this would all make an awesome national geographic-esque book with the pics and journals. and you're right, there are no words but you've found some good ones anyway. prayin for ya! -beth c.
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